The Scrapbookers..

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Some stories from the swap gathering held by mba Ria Nirwana..
Mba Ria prepared 3 give away for all the scrapbookers who gives comment on her blog,

1st give away: Journey of Life (the kit)... huu huu keren banget yang ini, yang dapet mba Riana
2nd give away: 2 boxes of pretty ribbons
3rd give away: 6 set of paintings

and guess who got the 3rd give away?
Salah satunya adalah Gueee... huaaaaa... sooo happy
jarang jarang gue lucky dengan yang namanya door prize :))
Thanks Lucy for the lovely pic !

Can you see our happy face (gw di ujung kanan, too excited nerima paintingnya mba Ri)..

Ini foto rame rame para scrapbookers yang hadir setelah diuplek uplek sama mba Riana pake Photoshop (atau apala namanya, maap gw rada gaptek kalo soal software2 buat re-touch foto gitu).
Keren yaaa, keliatan vintage bener fotonya.
Tenkyuu mba Riana buat foto vintage nyaa...

Foto dari mba Ria Nirwana
Our Suhu, Our inspiration dan juga pemersatu para scrapbookers hihi
Thanks so much for the lovely party/gathering, it was great to see all of you dengan swapnya yang super duper keren..

Thank you and thank you mba Ria, Lea and mba titin sebagai ibu2 panitia, buat kumpul kumpulnya, makan2nya, ketawa2nya dan sharing2 technique nya juga.

With your best friend, you wish you'll never have to grow up...

So trueee :))